We Did Dashboard Protection In 5 Minutes - Here's How

We Did Dashboard Protection In 5 Minutes - Here's How

Your car dashboard is more important than you think. Now, more than ever is the perfect time to give it some love!

We’ll share with you one of our favorite products that you can use in order to keep your dashboard nice and clean. People might seem to forget the dashboard. But then, they’ll notice something out of place like discoloration. It’s time to protect your dashboard now rather than later.

With that said, let’s dive right in and talk more about how you can protect your dashboard now.

2-step kit makes interior look like new

The Best Interior Cleaner


The one-two punch your interior has been missing.

“So far I’ve used Mirror Shine, Turbo, Tire shine, and now Intra Shield and Clean. All products have performed as advertised and I am very happy with the results. Now to try the car wash and my detailing kit will be complete.” – Bill L.

Protect Your Dash from UV Rays

It’s no secret that UV rays from the sun can be damaging. If it can damage something like human skin, imagine what could do for your dashboard upholstery!

One obvious sign is discoloration.

At one point, your dashboard’s color will begin to fade. This can also be contributed by the extreme heat from the outdoors. Once you notice this discoloration, you face the task of spending a ton of money on repairing it yourself or getting it repaired.

If you live in an area with abundant sunshine, you’ll want to take the necessary precautions to keep your dashboard protected.

One of the best ways to protect it is by using a windshield screen. When the vehicle is not being occupied, you can block the sun from entering your vehicle. This will be great for protecting your dashboard and keeping the inside of a little cooler.

Another alternative you might want to consider is tinting your windows and windshield. While this might be well-intended, it might cost you money in the process.

Last, but not least, there’s parking inside a garage or carport. Depending on where you are, you might find a place where your vehicle won’t always be exposed to the sun.

Don’t Forget About Dust

Of course, dust can build up on your dashboard over time.

An easy fix is just with a combination of rags and a vacumn. You’ll want to vacuum the dashboard first so you can get rid of any contaminants in the way.

Afterwards, you can focus on the stubborn areas of the dashboard. You can wipe down the dash with a cloth and a cleaning product of your choice.

The last step is just to wipe down any excess product that you left behind. Make sure you use a separate dry towel for it. You can also choose to apply a wax or interior dressing for extra protection.

However, choosing a product the protect your dashboard can be challenging. To help you out, we have the perfect product for you. Let’s get into it!

Say Hello to the Interior Kit (Intra Clean and Intra Shield with Ceramic)

With Torque Detail’s Interior Kit you protect your dashboard and interior. We have the Intra Clean and the Intra Shield with Ceramic. Featuring two bottles of product, if you are looking to clean your dashboard, the Intraclean will be exactly what you need!

This will deep clean your dashboard and your leather and cloth surfaces. It also leaves a pleasant smell, which can kill odors on contact. Even better – it won’t discolor or alter any interior fabrics.

So how do you apply the Intra Clean solution? It takes at least four easy steps to get it done. Let’s show you how to do it:

  1. Apply it to the surface (such as your dashboard). Make sure there is some light to moderate contamination present. You must vacuum before applying it if the dashboard is very dirty.
  1. Spray the Intra Clean where needed.
  1. Use a microfiber towel and wipe off the product
  1. Using another microfiber towel, wipe the area dry

And you’re done. It shouldn’t take you any longer than five to ten minutes (depending on how dirty it is).

Remember, this can be used for other parts of your interior. If your dashboard can be harmed by UV rays, so can much of your interior. So it’s important to protect it as much as possible.

Protect Your Dashboard From UV Rays

Normally, we’d recommend another product. However, we’d be hard pressed not to mention the other half of the Interior Kit. Intra Shield will be the perfect product for you to use to protect your dashboard from the sun.

This provides you with a layer that is breathable and transparent. Like Intra Clean, this won’t alter any colors or fabric. You will need to vacuum the surface and cool it off before application.

Of course, you want to make sure you avoid direct sunlight. Spray it on your dashboard and wipe it down with a microfiber applicator. Make sure it’s gently and evenly applied with a microfiber towel or sponge.

You’re going to need another microfiber towel to wipe off the product itself. Once complete, it will need a few hours to cure it. For best results, wait 24 hours before rubbing it in.

2-step kit makes interior look like new

The Best Interior Cleaner


The one-two punch your interior has been missing.

“So far I’ve used Mirror Shine, Turbo, Tire shine, and now Intra Shield and Clean. All products have performed as advertised and I am very happy with the results. Now to try the car wash and my detailing kit will be complete.” – Bill L.

Summary: a Protected Dashboard, a Protected Investment

Don’t take any chances with your dashboard. The sooner you protect it from the sun’s harmful rays, the better. Try the Interior Kit with these two products and you’ll have protection for a long time.

Our Torque Detail products are guaranteed to last a long time. Our customers are happy with it and we’re hoping you are too. But like most of our products, they might be flying out the door fast.

Don’t wait any longer. Get our Torque Detail Interior Kit where you get not one, but two products that provide maximum protection!