The Easiest Way To Clay: Clean Your Car 3x Quicker
Claying is the key to more gloss, better shine & better protection! Fits your hand making it very easy to use & with a much larger surface so it clays 3x quicker. Remove contaminants such bug guts, tree sap, iron & other bonded contaminants. On average lasts between 20 - 40 uses.
Easily Remove Contaminants For Better Shine and Protection
Remove contaminants such bug guts, tree sap, overspray, rail dust, industrial fallout and other bonded contaminants. The key to more gloss, depth & better shine! Your waxes & coatings will last longer.
Clay Your Car 3x Quicker
The clay mitt fits directly on your hand making it very easy to use. It also has a much larger surface that means your car clays quicker.
Works In a Variety of Ways
The Clay Mitt is super adaptable. Our favorite way to use it is to foam the car with a lubricating shampoo then clay the surface. You can also use our Clay Lube, Trophy Finish or Turbo Waterless to lubricate for claying.
Use it Again & Again & Again
On average it lasts over 20 uses but as many as 40 uses! Simply rinse after using.